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May 13, 2020

Visualization Tools to Make You Look Better

The human brain is miraculously capable of imagining life-like renderings of vastly complex images and ideas. Despite this amazing capacity, the way your vision appears in your mind’s eye isn’t always accurately communicated or immediately apparent to others. That disparity of vision can create frustration and friction between designers and stakeholders, and serious problems in the business process — that’s where Cadentics comes in. Whether it’s a product, a building, an interior layout, or testing your next big idea, at Cadnetics we believe our team can help implement the right technology to better share the vision you have worked so hard to create. This article will serve to show you how our team at Cadnetics is building on the idea that visualization is a key element to our client’s success.

The Power of Visualization:

It’s no secret we live in an age where user-experience has become the driving force of design.  So now, more than ever before, we should prioritize critical engagement with our products. Simply put, our team works hard — utilizing state-of-the-art technologies and methods to empower ideas. Employing a variety of techniques such as 3D rendering and animation, we allow the artistic creator to share their vision in whatever format best suits their goal. But, why are these technologies necessary? Often we feel at a loss for words when describing our vision to someone: Even the most eloquent and erudite speaker can struggle to create the clear image that they have labored over and nurtured to create on paper. If an image speaks a thousand words, a 3D rendering of that image speaks a thousand more, and brings the viewer closer to the designer’s ideas than words could ever hope to. Not to be underestimated, that visual experience is a powerful tool to have, whether it be for a presentation or website, and its usefulness extends beyond a fancy image.

The vivid experiences we facilitate at Cadnetics can serve a variety of functions. The right visualization can have the power to inspire confidence and assurance into a previous skeptic. A well-presented product might allow a stakeholder or designer to better visualize the finished product. In essence, this promotes communication and leads to an environment where it is easier to make adjustments, creating more collaborative projects. Further, there might be small details that could not possibly be described without visualization and are now visible, which potentially reduces risk and raises the chance of satisfaction with the final product. By allowing stakeholders and interested parties to make useful suggestions preemptively, time and money can be spared during the design-phase, and critical errors can be avoided before it’s too late.

Technological Services:

With our vast array of technological tools, Cadnetics can couple advanced animation and CAD techniques to create exactly what our consumers need, such as:

  • Architectural Visualization Services
  • 3D renderings
  • 3D animations/fly-throughs
  • Perspective Camera Matching
  • Sun Studies
  • DVD Creation
  • Product Animations
  • Training Animations

We are proud of the cutting-edge work we have done for our clients and proudly display our projects so others can see what possibilities are available.

Project Examples:

Our commitment to innovation has taken us from advanced product renderings to virtual tours to drone timeline visualizations! But don’t just take our word for it, in this next section we will take a look at some of the amazing work our team has produced.

RMU Events Center:

Cadnetics was commissioned to put together an animated walk-through of the UPMC Events Center at Robert Morris University, which subsequently broke ground in July, 2017. The video starts by panning outside of the stadium and slowly moves in, allowing the viewer to imagine walking through the building, from the admissions station, past the trophy display and merchandise store, to the dining area, and finally the stadium itself, all populated and bustling with attendees. The video really gives you a good impression, not only of what the events center would look like, but of what the experience of being there would feel like. An accompanying photo gallery was then created with relevant static frames for an expedited visual experience.

Parcel Box:

The Parcel Box represents an ingenious solution to the ever-growing problem of “porch pirates.” In an age where the ubiquity of Amazon orders and online shopping are accompanied by an increase in porch theft, the Parcel Box solves that problem by providing a locked mailbox for delivered packages. Although the product itself is brilliant, it can be hard to visualize how it would function practically. This is where Cadnetics comes in. We rendered and animated a 3D model of the Parcel Box that better describes the features and benefits of the product. The music helps add some ambiance and flow to keep the viewer attentive.

Drone Work and Visualization:

In this example, we made use of our in-house drone capabilities to literally “elevate” the perspective of a rendered construction timeline for Robert Morris University. The video pans to the drone-captured aerial perspective before moving through the proposed construction phases. This view gave a better lay-of-the-land than could be achieved with a ground-level perspective, and provided a realistic landscape for which the rendering to be imposed over. Again, the music helps add some backdrop and rhythm to the video


Hopefully, this article has given you an idea of how technology can help elevate and share your ideas, as well as show you what Cadnetics is capable of producing. Undoubtedly, whether you are looking for static visualizations or kinetic animations, employing the right visualization techniques is an essential tool in improving the way we communicate information if that be in a presentation or living on your website. If you are interested, please do not hesitate to contact Cadnetics today and see how our company can assist you with your next project.

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